African leaders award gets no winner

A prestigious award fails to get winner as there is no one who has met the criteria.

‘NAM key player in African developments’

Uganda’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Asuman Kiyingi says the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) plays a key role in Africa’s independence movements, Press TV reports.

“The NAM summit was a great event not only for the members of the Non-Aligned Movement but for Africa because we know that the Non-Aligned Movement has played a very significant role in the independence struggles and movements in the African continent. As a continent which is still struggling to get out of underdevelopment, poverty, disease and ignorance we still need a lot of support and cooperation from all Non-Aligned members in this direction,” Kiyingi said in an interview with Press TV on Saturday.

Ahead of November 2012 Elections in Sierra Leone – West Africa

This November Sierra Leone will hold its third national election since the end of their civil war. And while the war may be over, the risk of violence remains.

In the days leading up to, and following the vote, JHR will work with local journalists and media partners to ensure responsible and transparent coverage of the election.

Given the vital role media plays in setting the tone of an election, our presence could mean the difference between a peaceful election or a return to violence.

Source: Journalist for Human Right